Mutation March 2021

This year saw a couple of big changes to the challenge. The absolute game changer was expanding to TikTok videos to showcase the daily drawings—I had my first really viral video when hundreds of users all began tagging a certain science communicator on my video of weird pelican drawings! I also began the tradition of a bonus prompt—“Day 32,” also known as April Fool’s Day. Naturally, I picked myself as the subject matter to goof on.

As the third official year of it, I also decided to give a “second chance” to certain animal prompts from previous years, in particular if I felt I had struggled or didn’t push the weirdness far enough.

I also put together a list of 31 “mutation” prompts, partly as inspiration but also with the idea of picking one animal and drawing 31 weird forms of it (I began doing sketches of this for cephalopods, but set it aside as it was one too many things to do that month).